Saturday, June 6, 2009


I feel like I'm not healing. Sometimes I think I'm doing better, but then I just realize that I'm not. I know it's over between us. I know that. But I don't understand WHY. What happened? We were so happy, I KNOW we were happy.. Nothing was wrong until that sad day.. I don't know why he didn't want to work things out.. Why he actually wanted this.. Why he wanted me OUT of his life.. I don't understand how he can be totally fine and not heartbroken and falling apart like I am. Does he miss me? Does he think of me like I think of him? I know it shouldn't matter, but it crosses my mind. I'm so ready to let go, but I feel like I can't, because I just don't GET it. I really don't. And I don't think I ever will.

I miss him. I miss US. With my whole heart. :(


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