my besties came two weeks ago and it was just SO much fun. i'm glad they finally got to make a trip up here like we have been talking about forever.. it was so so nice to see them and spend time with them.. i miss those girls so much! they are like my soulmates, seriously. so we had our fun, i got sick, haha.. classy right? whateverrr. drama happened, i'm so glad they were here with me through it all, it all got figured out though, so that's good. just parties and hanging out and having too too much fun with them!!! lindsey got a super cute tattoo and met a really creepy guy, and i don't remember much else about the weekend, but it was really, really good. :) pictures will be attatched at the bottom of this blogggg... :)
then this LAST weekend my mom, my sister, and my niece all came up to visit. and not to say that i didn't have fun with my girlies, because i DID, but it was nice to have a relaxing weekend after the previous one.. haha. we just hung out together, watched the charger game on sunday, and before i knew it they were gone :( but it was so nice to see them, i love and miss my family so much, now i just wish i could see my dad. but thanksgiving will be here before i know it, for sure..
which by the way i am SO excited for, because i have this amazing boyfriend who is going to go with me to my aunts!! :) it's going to be so much fun. everything with him by the way, is amazing. sure we have our moments, but not many of them, and we get them all figured out quickly. i trust him more than i ever have before, and it's been so so good between us, i can just feel this all beginning, its amazinggg.. looove him. anddd HE COMES IN ONE WEEK!!!!! yay i am so so sooo excited!!! and i think we are going to go to the grand canyon, and i have never been!! im soooo excited... yayyyy for finallyyyy getting hugs and kisses from the onlyyy guy i want them from anymore :) i love being in love.
other than that stuff, school is KILLING me. like, literally. i don't know how i even have time to write all of this. i really should be doing my statistics homework and reading for my ethnic studies class and studying for the threeee exams i have next week.
and as if school didn't keep me busy enough, im now working at the baskin robbins here in flagstaff, and i swear i work like every day of every week, but it seems like every day i actually get off, someone calls in sick and they need me to work.. blah!!!
anyways, life IS good.
love my friends
love my family
love my boyfriend. :)
peeeekchas attatched for your enjoyment.

us girls getting ready for the charger game at buffalo wild wings :)

matt & joes GIs and Hoes..

Fun night.. :)
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