Friday, March 13, 2009


Spring Break started today for me! I went to class, then worked, then packed, and then now here I am, writing about how happy I am :)

Tomorrow: drive home, go to Davids Bridal with my mom to try on the dress for Amy's wedding :) (wish I could go with you & the rest of the girls, Ames!!)
Sunday: hang out with the boy all day (since it's his only day off work while I'm home) && go to dinner with his dad & Joann that night..
Monday: Lunch with my wonderful sister & grandma :) && Then I forget, probably hanging out with the boy after he gets off..
Tuesday: Beach day with the girls!! Then meeting Brett for dinner between his work & school..
Wednesday: Going to Body Worlds with my Mom!!! SO EXCITED!! && then laying out and going out to dinner with the girls, Then hanging out with my mom that night, watching LOST and stuff :)
Thursday: Laying out during the day, relaxing, then doing surprise stuff, then watching my daddy & my loverbutt play softball :)
Friday: laying out during the day, then getting dressed up and going out for a fancy dinner with my babe :) then probably hanging out the rest of the night..
Saturday: laying out againnn, then hanging out with the boy when he gets off work, going to his nieces birthday party?
Sunday: driving back to flagstaff && working that night. :(

SO EXCITEDDD it's going to be a very busy but very funnn spring break!!

1 comment:

Amy Trianne said...

I wish you could come too! But I know you will have so much more fun at home. Your week sounds amazing! I wish I could join you in all of those fun things.