Monday, September 1, 2008

Hello againn!! :) so today turned out a lot a lot better than it started. i gave up on fixing things with the boy, so i just took some time to myself and stopped talking to him. sounds harsh, i'm sure haha. but sometimes i just need to clear my mind and do things that i like to do! so i took a shower, took a nice long nap, and then got up and took myself to the gym.. but before that i called my mommy and finally got to catch up with her! i miss her so so much!! we talked for about 20 minutes and about basically everything in the whooole wide world. so that was nice :) but then i came back in suuuch a better mood, probably because Einstien was finally open again after being closed all weekend! so i went to get me a bagel and a coffee (which i still need to eat!) and melissa gave me a bunch of her good music to put on my computer, so that's super cool.. and now i'm doing homework.. and if you know me, you know that i actually like doing homework, so it's basically putting me in a good mood, i love feeling productive! haha. :) and then in about 40 minutes.. the best TV night of the week starts!! i'm so excited!!..Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill, and then the Hills! Yesssss... :)

okay, so that's that..

by the way, does anyone know of any good diet plans for a college student? because i really would like to be on a good diet but it's so hard only having certain food choices on campus... so if you know of anything, tell me! :-) k thaaanks.

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