Tuesday, September 2, 2008

post four in two days. :)

hello again. <--- that makes it seem like im kinda in a good mood huh? WELL I'M DEFINITELY NOT!!! ahhh goodness gracious i am going crazy! my life is seriously like trying to hunt me down and kill me or something!!...or at least make me start acting more grown up and responsible..

nothinggg is going right today!! i need two books to read two chapters out of tomorrow.. and my mom put my last check from baskin in my bank account, but it still hasn't cleared so granted i can't buy the books, so i will be behind in class. PLUS i have been in contact with my doctor for about a week now deciding whether or not she would give me my prescription, and today i get a call from her little nurse-man telling me that NO she won't give it to me unless i come in for an appointment.. which OBVIOUSLY i can't easily do because i'm not freaking at home.. like come on.. you're annoying. errrrr so now i'm like a week off on my meds and its going to take at LEAST a few more days until i can figure out another way to get them.. freaking... ugh!!!!!!

so needless to say i am super stressed out and pissed off and not a happy tracy today. so i'm going to go eat some pasta for dinner and then use those carbs to hopefully have a really good workout tonight. then do homework.. studying for chemistry which obviously won't make me happy either because CHEMISTRY SUCKS!!!!!!

okay enough complaining.
life is good, nonetheless.

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